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Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are brand names and/or trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
These documents are strictly confidential. The submission and presentation of these documents does not confer any rights to our software, our services and service outcomes, or any other protected rights. The dissemination, publication, or reproduction hereof is prohibited.
For ease of readability, gender differentiation has been waived. Corresponding terms and definitions apply within the meaning and intent of the equal treatment principle for both sexes.
Click the “Indices” tab and then click the “Add new index” icon to create a new index (optional).
Enter the index path. If necessary, adjust the display name of the index service and the associated filter service.
Add a new data source with the “Add new custom source” icon (located at the bottom right).
“URL”: defines the location of the data source (Turtle file) to be indexed, for example, file:///d:/data/example.ttl with Windows or file:///data/example.ttl with Linux. If the data source is on a Windows Share, then it should be mounted locally.
“SparQL Query”: For example:
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX umls: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?key ?title ?code ?cui ?tui ?sty
?key skos:prefLabel ?title .
?key skos:notation ?code .
OPTIONAL {?key umls:cui ?cui }
OPTIONAL {?key umls:tui ?tui }
OPTIONAL {?key umls:hasSTY ?sty }
The results of the SparQL query (solutions) are indexed as single documents with metadata. It is important that the query has a variable named "key" which is then used as the document key; other variables are indexed as metadata.
This service allows you to resolve the class hierarchy of metadata in the form of URLs (resources described in the specified RDF data source) during indexing.
After installing the plugin (SemanticWebItemTransformationService-<version>.zip) the service "ItemTransformationServicePlugin.SemanticWeb" service is available under "Services" and is configured there as follows:
Bind port: Requests from the index are sent to this port.
Model File (URL): E.g. file:///data/example.ttl
Source Property Name: The name of the metadata that contains the resource URLs.
Target Property Name: The name of the metadata that contains the class hierarchy.
Class Title: The attributes of the class (in the RDF data source) used as the title (for example skos:prefLabel).
Class Title Prefix Declaration: SparQL prefix declaration of the class attributes (e.g. the prefix declaration of skos).
In addition, the "Item Transformation Services" must be added to the index.