Copyright ©
Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
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With the Mindbreeze Insight App Designer, users can create their own Insight App. The snippet generated for this can then be copied and integrated into a wide variety of systems and websites. Basically, the Insight App Designer is available under /apps/designer.
It is also possible to use the Mindbreeze Insight App Designer as a stand-alone, embedded application. As with the Insight App itself, this works in just a few steps.
General designer styles are supplied via the designer.css file. It can be requested at the client service address under apps/css/v2/ folder.
Mindbreeze delivers also, for purpose of embedding, the designer-prefixed.css that includes prefixed selectors and only absolutely necessary rules.
<link href="/apps/css/v2/designer-prefixed.css" rel="stylesheet">
It is recommended to load these styles within the <head> in the HTML
The required JavaScript is provided by editor.js. It can be requested at the client service address under apps/scripts/.
<script src="/apps/scripts/editor.js" data-mindbreeze-lib data-global-export="false"></script>
A Mindbreeze Insight App Designer consists of CSS, HTML and JavaScript areas. The CSS can be embedded using the resource described in section “Styles”.
The next step is to place the necessary HTML within a container element (root element) in the HTML. A corresponding element with the ID “designer-container” is suitable for this.
<div id="designer-container"> … </div>
This container is necessary so that the designer can only expand in this element and has the following content (can be copied and pasted):
<div class="mb-editor-content">
<div class="left">
<div id="categories"></div>
<div id="categoryDetails"></div>
<div id="categoryEditor"></div>
<div id="mb-actions-container" class="mb-footer"></div>
<div class="right">
<div class="infopairing-box-full mb-hidden-loading">
<div id="insight-app-container" class="mb-snippet-source">
<div class="mb-progress-bar mb-fixed"></div>
<div data-template="view" data-count="5" data-constraint="ALL"><div class="mb-component-container container" id="mb-component-container"></div></div>
<div class="mb-loading-content">
<div class="mb-loading-ring"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>
The application constructor creates a search application and enables editing with the Mindbreeze Insight App Designer.
The necessary JavaScript snippet is located under the HTML elements. A new application is created here and the application edit mode is called in the callback.
], function (
browser) {
var options = {
startSearch: false,
rootEl: document.getElementById("insight-app-container"),
containerEl: document.getElementById("designer-container"),
callback: function (application) {
var sources = browser.getURLParameter("sources");
if (sources)
options.sources = [sources + "../../api/v2/"];
new Application(options);