Copyright ©
Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are trade names and/or trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
These documents are strictly confidential. The transmission and presentation of these documents alone does not constitute any rights to our software, services and service results or other protected rights. The transmission, publication or reproduction is not permitted.
For reasons of easier readability, gender-specific differentiation, e.g. users, is not used. Corresponding terms apply to both sexes in the sense of equal treatment.
With the mesindexclient command line tool, metadata in existing indices can be extended and completed from local data, and metadata from existing indices can be exported to local files.
The following help can be called up in the inspire container using "mesindexclient --help".
usage: mesindexclient [-h] --host HOST
[--auth-server-baseurl AUTH_SERVER_BASEURL]
[--client-id CLIENT_ID] [--client-secret CLIENT_SECRET]
[--realm REALM] [--username USERNAME]
[--password PASSWORD] [-v]
Mindbreeze Index Client.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST target host name
--auth-server-baseurl AUTH_SERVER_BASEURL
auth server baseurl (in keycloak before
--client-id CLIENT_ID
--client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
client secret
--realm REALM authentication realm
--username USERNAME user name
--password PASSWORD password
-v, --verbose verbose
mesindexclient update-metadata -help
mesindexclient fetch-metadata --help
--host | Inspire Server URL |
--auth-server-baseurl | Authentication Server URL |
--client-id | ID of the client |
--client-secret | client secret if needed for authentication |
--realm | Keycloak Realm |
--verbose | Output of the individual steps |
--username | Username of a user with the Role “InSpire Index Writer” |
--password | Password of the user |
--set | To set individual metadata in the format „--set title titleToBeSet“ |
--index-port | The index port of the Index Service. Can be found at Configuration -> Indices -> [Index Name] -> Index Port (HTTP) |
--category | Document Category |
--category-instance | Document Category Instance |
--keys-file | Path to the CSV document with the document keys to be changed |
--key | Document Keys |
--in-csv-file | Path to the CSV file, with the search terms |
--out-csv-file | Path to the CSV file in which the metadata of the found documents should be stored |
--key-column-name | Column name in the file in-csv-file of the column containing the keys |
--fqcategory-column-name | Column name in the in-csv-file of the column containing the fqcategories |
--add | Column name in the out-csv-file of the column with the metadata to be stored |
--map | Map for the assignment from fqcategory to index port |
mesindexclient \
--username admin \
--client-id mindbreeze-inspire \
--client-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
fetch-metadata \
--in-csv-file=/data/top_100.csv \
--key-column-name action_key \
--fqcategory-column-name \
action_fq_category \
--out-csv-file=/tmp/top_100_2.csv \
--add title \
--add url \
--map "Web:.*" 23444
in-csv /data/top_100.csv
action_key | action_fq_category |
http://xx/file1 | Web: Default |
http://xx/file2 | Web: Default |
http://xx/file3 | Web: Default |
out-csv /tmp/top_100_2.csv
title | url |
Title 1 | http://xx/file1 |
Title 2 | http://xx/file2 |
Title 3 | http://xx/file3 |
…. |