Copyright ©
Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names are brand names and/or trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
These documents are strictly confidential. The submission and presentation of these documents does not confer any rights to our software, our services and service outcomes or other protected rights.
The dissemination, publication or reproduction hereof is prohibited.
For ease of readability, gender differentiation has been waived. Corresponding terms and definitions apply within the meaning and intent of the equal treatment principle for both sexes.
The directory for the Mindbreeze enterprise search services log files can be configured in "Advanced Settings".
It is entered by default under Linux “/var/opt/mindbreeze/log“ and under Windows “c:/Users/<service user>/App Data/Local/Temp“. In the following chapters, this directory is referred to as "Log Directory".
The client service log files are located in the directory "Log Directory/log-mesclientservice-<client-port>", where a subdirectory with the corresponding time stamp is created for each restart.
The following columns of the "performance-findservlet.csv" file have an essential role in the analysis of search queries:
The authorization and contextualization as part of the query service will be performed in separate processes. The log files are located under "Log Directory/log-messdkjavasandbox-bootstrapped-<query-port>", "Log Directory/log-messdkcsandbox-<query-port>" or in the file "Log Directory/log-messdknetsandbox-<query-port>.txt", depending on the implementation (Java, C or .NET).
The crawler logs are located in the "Log Directory/log-mescrawler-launchedservice-<Category>_<Source Name>" directory.
log-mescrawler_launchedservice_Microsoft_Exchange_<Source Name>.log includes all information such as: start time, mailboxes found (AD), crawler status fetch, time when a mailbox search is completed, and end time with the collected statistics on the total number of documents found, indexed, and deleted.
Additionally, CSV log files are generated. The names of the CSV log files correspond to the associated "crawl run" or "scope". The following files have a significant role in the analysis of delta indexing:
per-folder-finditems-<crawlrun>_<scope>.csv: Contains the information of all found folders of the mailboxes that were created or modified within the time frame (scope). The main columns are:
mindbreeze-dispatcher-<crawlrun>_<scope>.csv: All documents or e-mails that have been sent to the filter service. The main columns are:
"Log Directory/log-mesfscrawler_<indexpath>.log" contains all information that is generated by the filesystem crawler.
The filter service log files are located in the directory "Log Directory/log-mesfilterservice-<port>" The statistic-filter-rpc.csv file provides information, for example about the filter plugin used, file extensions and possible errors in filtering. The main columns are:
The actual filtering happens in separate processes. Depending on the implementation of the filter plugins (Java, C or .NET), the "Log Directory/log-messdkjavasandbox2-Filter@<port>", "Log Directory/log-messdkcsandbox2-Filter@<port>" directories or the "Log Directory/log-messdknetsandbox-<port>.txt" file will be generated.
The index service log files are located in the "Log Directory/log-mesindex<index path>“ directory. All information concerning the state of the indexing (inverting, merging and announcements) is located in the file log-mesindex.log.
performance-servlet-mes3_indexeddocuments.csv provides information about the number of documents that have been obtained by the index service.
performance-servlet-mes3_deletedocuments.csv provides information about the number of documents that have been deleted from the index.
performance-servlet-mes3_updatedocuments.csv provides information about the number of documents that have been updated in the index.
Mindbreeze InSpire appliances collect logs from sources including the following:
These are automatically forwarded to the syslog server in the InSpire container and to app.telemetry.
In app.telemetry, the log messages are visible in the log pool: “Syslog Events.”
Additionally, there are the following “filtered log pools”:
The audit logs (/var/log/secure) can be retrieved using the file manager:
It is also possible to forward the above logs to a syslog server.
To do this, the server must be entered in the file “/config/rsyslog/remote.conf” as follows:
*.*@<hostname oder ip>:<port> (uses UDP)
*.*@@<hostname oder ip>:<port> (uses TCP)
This forwards all log messages. To configure the forwarding more precisely, please use the documentation for rsyslog.
Encrypted transport of syslog messages is also possible if it is supported by the target server. For this you have to configure the correct certificates. E.g:
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /config/rsyslog/ca-cert.cer
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCertFile /config/rsyslog/client-cert.cer
$DefaultNetstreamDriverKeyFile /config/rsyslog/cliet-cert.key
$DefaultNetStreamDriver gtls
$ActionSendStreamDriverMode 1
$ActionSendStreamDriverAuthMode anon
For configuration details please also refer to rsyslog.
Thread dumps can be created to obtain information about the current state of a process.
The process ID (PID) is required for all types of processes. It is located in the log directory of the process ( and xxxxx corresponds to the PID.
To create a thread dump of Java processes, the “QUIT” signal must be sent to the respective process.
kill-QUIT <PID>
The thread dump is then located in the log file of the process.
To create a thread dump of a native process (e.g. mesindex) you can use the auxiliary script “”
/opt/mindbreeze/scripts/ <PID>
The thread dump is output directly, but can be redirected to a file.