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Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are registered trade names and/or registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
These documents are highly confidential. No rights to our software or our professional services, or results of our professional services, or other protected rights can be based on the handing over and presentation of these documents. Distribution, publication or duplication is not permitted.
This product information (PI) defines the scope of usage and the features of Mindbreeze InSpire services. In addition, it provides an overview of the application interfaces and supported platforms.
Mindbreeze InSpire is a software system enabling the search for information objects in a corporate context ("Enterprise Search Software"). Information objects can be any kind of information contained in structured, partially structured or unstructured storage systems. For most use cases, these information objects will be files in a file system, e-mails in an e-mail inbox system or documents in a document management system or archive (if connected to Mindbreeze InSpire via the Mindbreeze InSpire SDK).
The use of the service package underlying the software product is based on a license model for which
the number of documents indexed with the help of the software product and
the number of times the Insight Services of the software product are called up in a period of 12 months (= 12-month period) is decisive. The starting date for the 12-month period of calls is the start date of the service package. The count is reset once (to '0') at the start of each new 12-month period so that the total number of calls can be used again for the next 12-month period. If the customer switches to a service package with higher performance parameters during a 12-month period, the aliquot fee to be paid for this will be charged for the remaining payment period of the original service package. The customer is entitled to the aliquot number of calls from the higher service package for the remaining term. It is not possible to switch to a service package with lower performance parameters during the term of the service package.
A document is a file that can be managed or edited by a program; a compound file and its included files (a file that contains other data formats, such as a Word or pdf document); or an electronic document (text, image and/or audio information) which was created and converted by digitizing it into one or more files/documents (in the index).
A call consists of a request from a user or service and a response from the respective Insight Service called. Each request/response is counted as one call. If several Insight Services are involved in a request, these internal calls are also counted as individual calls.
Which calls are counted is explained in detail in this product information.
The software product seamlessly records the number of documents indexed by the customer with the help of the software product as well as the number of Insight Service calls and continuously displays this number in the user interface visible to the customer. This recording technology alone is decisive for determining the number of documents that have been indexed with the help of the software product. Once the maximum number of documents agreed with the customer has been reached, no further documents can or may be indexed using the software product. Once the maximum number of calls to Insight Services agreed with the customer has been reached, no further calls can or may be answered using the software product.
The licensed material also includes the application documentation. The licensed material is protected from duplication. The licensed material includes new editions or supplements to the licensed material, which the customer receives from Mindbreeze during the agreed upon contract period. The same applies to debugged versions. The software product is protected by an electronic license key, which is also a part of the licensed material.
Mindbreeze InSpire comprises a multi-stage service-oriented architecture for indexing and searching document files and e-mails on desktop and server computers in enterprises.
For accessing systems containing contents to be indexed (for search) – i.e. data sources – the following architecture components are utilized: index service, filter service, crawler service, query service and client service. The chart below shows the logical components of this architecture.
The above chart shows the system for indexing typical schematic data sources. The components correspond to the essential working steps of the indexing process and will be discussed in the following chapters.
All components communicate based on HTTP/S connections.
The crawler searches the source system exhaustively for new and changed contents that need to be indexed.
This can be achieved in two ways:
The Mindbreeze InSpire – Filter Service enables extraction and filtering of the textual information from various file types. For this purpose, document files are forwarded by Mindbreeze InSpire - Crawler Service to Mindbreeze InSpire - Filter Service.
Note: Due to many proprietary formats the filter service cannot guarantee that the text/HTML output is 100% identical to the original file content.
In this working step, the actual index for full text search is created or updated if the source system was changed. The index store can be considered as storage with index information which optimized to answer search queries.
Mindbreeze InSpire – Index Services store objects/documents with each up to 200 metadata and a maximum of 10MB per metadata value. Supported maximum is 200 annotations per content. The maximum supported content size is 50MB. The theoretical maximum document size is 1GB including metadata. For each document at most 100000 unique terms are processed. Per index the average consumption (plaintext content, inverted index, term lexicon, ...) of a document of maximum 500KB is supported.
The clients connect with Mindbreeze InSpire – Query Service to query the index. Query loads can be distributed by utilizing several Mindbreeze InSpire – Query Service and Client Service services. Several types of clients can be used (e.g. Mindbreeze InApp client, to be integrated into third-party products), which can be realised based on Mindbreeze InSpire SDK.
The Mindbreeze InSpire – Web Client connects with the Client Service to send queries to the Query Service.
Insight Services allow insights to be extracted from data and made available via APIs. Insight Services are licensed on a call basis. A call consists of a request and the corresponding response. If sub-calls are made for a call, these are also counted as additional calls.
Insight Services are used in the following use cases, among others:
AI-based fact extraction
Categorisation of images and text
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
Generated information (e.g. generated content for Insight Apps/360-degree views or chat with Insight Apps/360-degree views)
The Insight Services for RAG form the basis for GenAI use cases based on Mindbreeze InSpire. The Insight Services for RAG use the semantic search of Mindbreeze InSpire on the one hand and a Large Language Model (LLM) on the other. This allows answers to questions to be generated in natural language formulations on the basis of facts extracted from the index.
As can be seen in section 6.7 InSpire AI Chat, various LLMs can be used. If LLMs hosted by Mindbreeze are used, not only the call itself is relevant in this case, but a token limit can also be applied, depending on which LLM is used.
The semantic search is explained in more detail in section 5.5.3 Semantic Sentence Similarity Search.
Mindbreeze InSpire – Management Service enables central configuration and deployment of services for Mindbreeze Enterprise Search. A corresponding web-based configuration interface is provided by the Mindbreeze InSpire Management Service.
Mindbreeze InSpire – Advanced Configuration helps you to configure a distributed Mindbreeze InSpire infrastructure.
An essential component for securing access rights is the so-called access check (ACL in the schematic representation). The access check ensures that the context of the user logged onto the system is evaluated for any potential search result and applied so that only those search results a user has the appropriate rights for will be displayed. This can be an external authorization of results or the authorization of results against an ACL (access control list) stored in the index. This depends on the data source connected via a specific connector.
The context of files and documents that are displayed as search results in a client (within the context of a query) is provided by this component. This enables, for example, the provision of application-specific context menu entries for data and documents in the search result list.
This section shows all features of Mindbreeze InSpire.
Mindbreeze InSpire comprises the following SDK interfaces:
The Mindbreeze InSpire SDK was updated. Please make sure you use the updated SDK for future development.
Mindbreeze InSpire 25.1 Version supports all SDK versions since: Mindbreeze InSpire SDK 2013 Summer Release
The Mindbreeze InSpire Java SDK is compatible with Java 8.
Mindbreeze InSpire provides a central configuration tool for creation, regular maintenance and administration of index catalogues. In addition, this central tool distributes the system components to the servers of the entire system. Central administration comprises all components of Mindbreeze InSpire (Mindbreeze InSpire – Crawler Service, - Filter Service, - Index Service, - Query Service, - Client Service) from a single point.
For viewing and editing files on the local appliance a web-based File Manager interface is provided in the Management Service.
Editing and viewing is only supported for text files encoded in UTF-8. Files larger than 10MB can be opened read-only. For details on the supported formats for syntax highlighting please refer to the documentation of the used component CodeMirror version 5.51.0.
Binary files cannot be edited or viewed but downloaded instead.
Server-side contents are indexed by Mindbreeze InSpire – Crawler Service component at regular intervals. The intervals can be defined for each data source (in seconds).
Re-indexing is in general not necessary for a software update from version 2016 Spring Release to the current Mindbreeze InSpire product version.
Indexes created or changed with a current version cannot be opened by older versions.
Mindbreeze InSpire 24.8 supports the data sources listed below for indexing, navigation and interaction during search. Additional data sources can be integrated via the Mindbreeze InSpire Connector Interface and Mindbreeze InSpire Software Development Kit (SDK) made available.
File Systems:
Mail Server:
Data Integration
Important note: The Talend Open Studio software product was discontinued on January 31, 2024. Therefore, the Data Integration Connector can no longer be further developed in its current form and will only receive maintenance updates.
For alternatives and questions regarding the maintenance of existing solutions, please contact Mindbreeze Support at
LDAP / Microsoft Active Directory
Microsoft SharePoint 2013/2016/2019 and Microsoft SharePoint Online
Mindbreeze InSpire – Web Connector allows to crawl intranet and extranet sources by following links extracted from HTML sources. The following policy can be restricted to different levels: all, site only, link-depth, sitemap. Access restrictions for the Web Connector are set to unrestricted public access, meaning, if you need to restrict access to certain web content you need to implement a plugin based on the Mindbreeze InSpire – Connector Framework (SDK) that fits your situation and need.
From version 20.5 (only on Mindbreeze InSpire G7) it is possible to enable the execution of JavaScript code on the web pages during crawling.
Atlassian Jira 8
Atlassian Confluence 7.19 (LTS), 8.5 (LTS), 8.9
HCL Notes/Dominio 8.5 and 9.0
Third party components:
Authentication mechanisms with Mindbreeze InSpire Web Client other than Kerberos (e.g. certificate-based authentication, form-based authentication, basic authentication,...) can be established by providing a SAML 2.0 identity provider infrastructure.
OAuth Version 2.0 authentication using bearer-tokens to the OAuth Server Keycloak in version 14 is supported.
Note: Using Mindbreeze InSpire Client Service together with SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP) was tested exclusively with the SAML 2.0 compliant IDPs: Shibboleth 4.0.1, Microsoft Azure. Other SAML 2.0 IdPs may but are not guaranteed to work out of the box.
IMPORTANT NOTE: 100% complete and correct extraction of all content cannot be guaranteed.
To authorize search results, the searching user's roles and groups are resolved and matched against the resulting document's access control list
If present, data source-specific roles and groups are resolved by the specified Mindbreeze InSpire connector plugins. In these cases, the supported application versions for role and group resolution are the same as specified in the Supported Data Sources section.
Additionally, Mindbreeze InSpire supports the resolution of groups of the following Directory Servers by default:
Filters delivered by Mindbreeze
Microsoft Office:
Calendar: ICS
Contact: VCF
Open Document Format: ODT, ODS, ODP
Open Office:
Text files: TXT
Audio: MP3, AU, AIF, WAV, MID
Ebook: EPUB
ASCII- and ANSI-based text files (UTF-8)
Archive files: ZIP, JAR
Additional supported formats: PDF (Adobe PDF Format), RTF, URL, XML, COOML, RDF, FLV (Flash-Video), CLASS (Java Class Files), MD (Markdown).
The Mindbreeze InSpire - Filter Service supports Abbyy FineReader Engine 12 for OCR processing of contents by means of using appropriate Mindbreeze plugins. The 3rd party components (from vendor Abbyy) have to be licensed separately.
NOTE: Mindbreeze InSpire – Filter Service analyzers and filters files according to their content. A 100% complete and correct filtering of all contents can’t be guaranteed.
Restrictions for using the “Microsoft Outlook PST file” filter:
It is strongly recommended to create a separate index for Microsoft Outlook PST files.
Mindbreeze InSpire supports the Unicode standard (UTF-8 and UTF-16) – in this way, all language and character set systems defined by this standard are supported.
Important: Semantic extraction and semantic search via trained models cannot be guaranteed to be 100% complete and correct. If model customization is required, this is only supported within a dedicated project where appropriately labeled training and test data is made available and provided by the customer.
Supported languages:
Compound splitting, if enabled, occurs during indexing. Re-indexing is required for reprocessing. Currently no adaptation of models is supported. For further restrictions please see above.
Supported languages:
Supported entities:
Extraction, if enabled, occurs during indexing. Re-indexing is required for reprocessing. Currently no adaptation of models is supported. For further restrictions please see above.
Important Note: The Semantic Similarity Search requires considerably more computing power for processing the data. To guarantee the full number of documents at optimum speed, an additional Mindbreeze InSpire AI instance or appliance may be necessary depending on the use case and dataset. In this case, please contact our sales team (
In order to enable this functionality, two items can be configured in the Index Service:
This functionality decomposes documents into sentences. These sentences are transformed into tokens via the vocabulary and the model returns a vector of weights for a sentence. When searching, the query, similar to sentences, is represented as a vector and similar sentences are computed from it, which are then processed further.
The quality of the similarity thus depends on the weighting of the trained model. The threshold of similarity can be specified in the search. Therefore, it is not part of the guarantee that the similarity search will provide optimal hits.
In principle, models of the Sentence Transformer family can be loaded in ONNX format, if they have the appropriate format (dense tensors, tokens in Int64, output weights in float representation). The tokenizer configuration must be a PreTrainedTokenizer JSON format represented tokenizer in HuggingFace. The tokenizer model types "WordPiece" and "Unigram" have been used for testing.
The delivered model is based on the Sentence Transformer model with the ID "multi-qa-mpnet-base-dot-v1".
The model is trained based on the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2012-2017 image classification dataset. The dataset includes 1000 object classes. The dataset includes more than 1 million training images associated with the classes. The object classes are grouped into 68 categories. The categories are translated so that multilingual searches can be performed.
Translated languages:
Supported image formats:
Extraction, if enabled, occurs during indexing. Re-indexing is required for reprocessing. Currently adaptation of models is supported. For further restrictions see above.
This chapter provides a brief overview of query language and handling, as well as the presentation of search results.
The queries Mindbreeze InSpire Web Client sets off against server-side contents are taken over by Mindbreeze InSpire - Client Service of Mindbreeze InSpire architecture.
Users can search in one or more index catalogues at the same time using Mindbreeze InSpire Web Client. The catalogues can be located on one or more servers. The search results originating from specific indexes can be displayed or hidden as required by the user.
Mindbreeze InSpire enables an exact search for words (word based search) and for groups of words (phrase search). Such search will only display those results which contain the entire search term (single word or phrase).
Words longer than the maximum length of 50 characters are not distinguished for the search.
Mindbreeze InSpire has an intuitive query language as known from Internet search engines.
By default, all search terms separated by space characters are forwarded to the search engine via a logic AND operator. A search for phrases can be performed by using quotation marks. The results can be limited by specifying the file type (file extension) and by specifying a category (e-mail, file, etc.) (see user manual).
In addition to the automatic AND operation, the Boolean operators "AND" and "OR" and brackets can be used. This enables performing a more detailed search.
Proximity of words can be used by "NEAR" to display preferably those results where both search terms are closer together.
The search also supports wildcards at the ending of words. The search functionality automatically provides a wildcard search in a special situation. During a search in the "title" metadata, wildcards are implicitly supported at the beginning and at the end of the search term; e.g.; a search for "report" will return results for *report* in the "title" metadata.
Partial words are only considered for the search from a length of 3 to a maximum of 50 characters.
The search results are displayed in the main window according to categories. Depending on the search result, the following categories may be displayed (if there are results in the respective category):
The number of hits selected by the user are displayed for each category. Besides the navigation buttons ("Next", "Back") the hits of each category are dynamically classified to find the result faster. The type and manner of classification depends on the sorting of the result. If the result is sorted by date, classification will be done in time segments. Depending on the dimension of time covered by all results, results of this category will be divided into years, quarters and months (so-called "drill down" over time).
This section describes how to preview, highlight search terms and how to range and navigate in search results.
The main window displays the search results in two levels of detail. The overview only displays essential elements (e.g. name, place or date) to get a relatively quick overview of the results; such display varies according to the metadata which is available for the hits. In the more detailed view, a text preview of the content is provided, trying to display relevant passages of the summary text saved in the index. Each search term is highlighted in a different colour.
During the search the results are sorted within a category according to semantic relevance or chronologically, displaying the more important or more recent elements first. In the case of a chronological sorting the date of the last modification is used.
Alternatively, a ranking algorithm may be chosen which considers several criteria, including the number of times a search term is contained in a document and in what position (content-based ranking) for calculating a ranking based on the quality of a search result. When searching several phrases, the proximity of the phrases is considered, like when searching with "NEAR".
Mindbreeze InSpire allows for a simple and very quick navigation through the search results by means of the contextual navigation elements. In addition to the buttons for browsing (forward and backward), the divisions calculated online and dynamically are available. This enables a behaviour for fast navigation called "drill-down" in database technology. Even without knowing much about a searched object (few search terms), the result can be found simply and quickly.
In addition to opening a result (starting the associated application), Mindbreeze InSpire provides many possibilities for processing the searched object. Depending on the type, the context menu offers options for opening an object with other programs, opening the containing folder, copying the object to the Microsoft Windows clip board or displaying it in the Microsoft Windows Explorer. For each data source (source system) this menu is adapted to the conditions of the data source via the context interface and/or extended.
Mindbreeze InSpire offers so called „Search Tabs“. “Search Tabs” allow to constraint search requests for certain views. “Search Tabs“ are defined in user profile files and can be
Mindbreeze InSpire displays only those search results for which the current user has access rights (at least read-only access)..
For access checking Mindbreeze InSpire supports the following options according to the data source.
With the Mindbreeze InSpire AI Chat the possibility is offered to access facts according to the access rights in Mindbreeze InSpire based on a Generative AI and carried out via a Large Language Model (LLM) and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). In addition to an index and client service, an Insight Services for RAG can also be set up.
For the generation itself an Large Language Model (LLM) is required. Mindbreeze provides an LLM if required (at the moment the delivered model is based on FastChat-T5 - lmsys/fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0). For On-Premises or the use of a LLM, additional hardware / GPU is required. Please contact Mindbreeze Sales ( if you wish to run an LLM. As a minimum requirement for a GPU model, an Nvidia A40 with 48 GB RAM is recommended.
Mindbreeze SaaS customers have the option to use a remote LLM. Please contact Mindbreeze Sales (
Currently, external LLMs can be connected using the Huggingface TGI API via HTTPs. For authentication, OAuth2 tokens are currently supported.
For the usage of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), the current version requires an indice in the Sentence Transformer format.
In order to use LLMs from AI providers such as OpenAI, Microsoft Azure OpenAI and Aleph Alpha as models for pipelines in Insight Services for RAG, it is mandatory to accept the data privacy disclaimer for using these APIs. The disclaimer is presented as a dialog when adding an LLM in the Insight Services for RAG administration. Below you see an example based on OpenAI:
Initial dialog, without confirmation, creation not allowed. | Only after confirming, creation is possible. |
To use the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), an index in Sentence Transformer format is required in the current version.
When using generative AI and semantic search via trained models, a 100% complete and correct extraction and search cannot be ensured. The response quality of the InSpire AI Chat depends on many factors, which can also be adjusted in the Insight Services for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). In particular, it is important to define a data set to measure the quality of the responses. Pre-defined prompts are provided, which can also be customised.
In addition to browser-based solutions, Mindbreeze offers other options for displaying search results.
The Outlook Add-In enables Mindbreeze search results to be displayed in addition to the standard Outlook results.
It is possible to display the search results in the familiar design on the smartphone.
In order to use the iOS app for Apple devices, the URL of the desired Mindbreeze InSpire - Web Client needs to be stored.
The Mindbreeze browser extension for Chrome and Edge offers another option for displaying search results.
Mindbreeze InSpire comprises the following services:
Mindbreeze InSpire - File System Crawler Service
Mindbreeze InSpire – Microsoft Exchange Crawler Service
Mindbreeze InSpire – Web Connector
Mindbreeze InSpire – Microsoft SharePoint Connector
Mindbreeze InSpire – LDAP/Active Directory Connector
Mindbreeze InSpire – OpenText Documentum Connector
Mindbreeze InSpire - ServiceNow Connector
If 'Extended User Criteria Conditions' or 'Advanced User Criteria Resolution' are used, we do not guarantee that the permissions in Mindbreeze actually match the ServiceNow permissions. In this case on the deployment side appropriate access tests must be performed.
Supported Browsers and Operating Systems:
More recent browsers than those specified are supported on an ongoing basis after successful testing.
The following components are certified according to the W3C standard WCAG 2.1 - AA Silver:
Supported Browser and Operating Systems:
Supported Microsoft Outlook versions and Operating Systems:
The MSI installer supports both 32bit and 64bit versions of Microsoft Outlook.
The click-once installer supports both 32bit and 64bit versions of Microsoft Outlook.
Supported Browser and Operating Systems:
User interface of the software product:
The specification and equipment of the hardware depends on the Mindbreeze InSpire version. There are hardware configurations for the 500K, 1M, 2M, 5M and 10M variants.
The 2M, 5M and 10M hardware configurations support Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) for encrypting the contents of the hard disk. For 500K and 1M there is no encryption of the data stored on the hard disks.
The hardware is delivered with the following service contract:
Mindbreeze InSpire is available as an image for virtual machines. This is possible either via Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or Oracle Cloud. Here you can also choose between the 1M, 2M, 5M and 10M variants. The minimum hardware requirements for each variant are as follows:
Attention: The following specifications are recommendations and do not contain a warranty.
Without GPU | |||||
CPU | 1M | 2M | 5M | 10M | |
Amazon Web Services | Comparable with Intel Xeon Gold x86_64 | 12 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 128 GB RAM 1,7 TB SSD Storage | 24 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 256 GB RAM 4 TB SSD Storage | 24 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 384 GB RAM 8 TB SSD Storage | 32 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 512 GB RAM 16 TB SSD Storage |
Google Cloud | |||||
Oracle Cloud | |||||
Microsoft Azure (only Gen 2 VMs) |
GPU memory is not necessarily required to run a virtual machine image. If large language models are to be used, GPU memory is required. The following minimum hardware requirements apply.
Attention: The following specifications are recommendations and do not contain a warranty.
CPU | GPU Memory | 1M | 2M | 5M | 10M | |
Amazon Web Services | Comparable with Intel Xeon Gold x86_64 | Comparable with: NVidia A40 GPU 48 GB of memory with a GPU Memory | 12 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 128 GB RAM 1,7 TB SSD Storage | 24 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 256 GB RAM 4 TB SSD Storage | 24 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 384 GB RAM 8 TB SSD Storage | 32 Cores (without Hyper Threading) 512 GB RAM 16 TB SSD Storage |
Microsoft Azure (only Gen 2 VMs) |
Mindbreeze InSpire includes Next Business Day basic support, which only applies to product problems around functionality described in this product information.
Product issues must be reproducible in an isolated environment.
Therefore a ticket must contain: