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In this document the creation of a Mindbreeze InSpire 1M appliance for Amazon Web Services will be explained.
The following requirement needs to be fulfilled:
The basic configuration of a Mindbreeze InSpire 1M application consists of the following steps:
The individual steps are explained in the following chapters in detail.
Create a Virtual Machine from the Marketplace image by searching for “Mindbreeze InSpire 1M”.
Select Mindbreeze InSpire 1M and press “Continue to Subscribe”.
After “Continue to Subscribe” has been clicked, the terms and conditions can be read before continuing with the configuration.
If the terms and conditions are acceptable, “Continue to Configuration” can be clicked.
To configure Mindbreeze InSpire, the fulfillment option “64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)” and the latest Software Version of Mindbreeze InSpire 1M that is provided in the drop down menu need to be selected.
After that, the region where the future AWS infrastructure will be, needs to be selected. Not all instance types are available for all regions and the pricing may be different according to the region.
If the selected options are acceptable, the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) can be launched via “Continue to Launch”.
When launching the instance, the first step is to give the instance a name. Additional tags can also be added.
In the section “Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image)” the selected Amazon Machine Image in “AMI from catalog” should be visible.
After that, the fitting instance type needs to be selected in the section “Instance type”. This is necessary to define the GPU. Depending on whether a GPU is needed or not, the appropriate instance type must be selected with or without GPU. Please contact the Mindbreeze Presales team about the current recommendation for a 1M appliance.
With the option “Compare instance types” other available instance types can be compared and selected.
Existing key pairs can be selected via the drop down menu or a new key pair can be created.
Depending on the requirements, an existing security group can be selected or a new security group can be created in the section “Network settings”. Activate “Allow HTTPS traffic from the internet” to get access to the Mindbreeze Management Center.
The configuration of storage is needed for the Mindbreeze instance. For a 1M InSpire appliance, at least 1,7 TB of SSD Storage are needed.
After the storage is configured and the provided summary is acceptable, the instance can be launched by pressing “Launch instance”.
The resize service has to be enabled to allow Mindbreeze InSpire to use the whole disk.
Important: The initial configuration needs to be finished. After that, login to the Management Center (Port 8443) before the rebooting.
Login per SSH using the key pair you defined above (user core).
Run the following: sudo touch /var/data/.resize && sudo reboot
Verify that /var/data has grown to the desired size.
The AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) is preinstalled in Mindbreeze InSpire. This means that the VM instance can be managed with the Systems Manager.