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Mindbreeze InSpire links content via a knowledge graph representation, which can be used for graph search as well as for many other features. Examples include 360-degree views with charts, as well as the ability to use calculated metadata for display or as a filter.
The Mindbreeze InSpire 23.1 release now offers additional options to create relationships between results. Relationships between content can now be created using any metadata value. The added value lies in the possibility to be able to generate links from unstructured content, for example by recognizing entities in the content. The relationships can be established bidirectionally: On the one hand, entities can be assigned to concrete persons, while on the other hand, persons can be related to the entities in the texts.
The figure below shows an example of a concrete use case. When searching for a qualification, in this case "Pipeline Automation", Mindbreeze InSpire extracts both the content that has been entered for the topic and the corresponding internal experts. By linking the people in the company with the author information, the corresponding experts are quickly found. Skills or expertise related to "pipeline automation" result from the context of the metadata of the created documents and therefore do not have to be extracted manually.
Example of a customized Insight App
With this new Mindbreeze InSpire release, you have the ability to see more accurate search results for search queries with stop and special characters. For search terms such as "axis", Mindbreeze InSpire finds terms such as "X-axis" by simply removing punctuation characters, such as the hyphen (-), period (.) or comma (,). However, for a search query with a stop character, such as ".Net Framework", it is beneficial to include the stop character in the search.
With a new configurable functionality, Mindbreeze can detect if stop characters are part of the search term and uses these stop characters to accurately find such occurrences. This is especially relevant when stop signs indicate a difference in meaning. For technical terms, for example, it can make a difference whether something is separated by a hyphen or a comma.
In programming languages such as C, C# or C++, stop characters also have a difference in meaning. In the figure below, you can see such a use case where C# is searched for and only results with the relevant programming language are found.
Example of a customized Insight App
JavaScript crawling functionality has been extended to index content from web pages with login masks or cookie popups, for example. This makes it possible to script user input for interactive web pages and delay the indexing of web pages until the desired content is loaded. For this purpose, user-defined JavaScript snippets can be stored in the crawler settings, which are applied during the crawling process.
This should allow web content to be indexed, as long as it can be displayed in a web browser. New parameters are now available in the crawler configuration to restrict the use of the scripts only to certain content.
The Microsoft Graph connector now supports the evaluation of on-premises extension attributes from Microsoft Graph. This enables the creation of new Mindbreeze Insight apps that take into account additional custom metadata for search. This feature is enabled by default for existing and new connector installations as of this release and can be configured in the crawler settings.
Furthermore, it is now possible to skip indexing documents during the crawl process if certain document metadata match a configured value. This allows only required documents to be indexed, which can lead to significant performance gains.
Attachments from Yammer stored in Microsoft SharePoint Online can now be made searchable using the Yammer Connector. The attachments are added as a metadata reference to the corresponding Yammer documents. This requires a configured Microsoft SharePoint Online connector which exists on the same index to reference the documents. This feature is necessary to be able to search for attachments from Yammer communications when Yammer is connected to Office 365.
Example of a customized Insight App
The automatic detection of fileshare protocols improves the compatibility of the Microsoft File connector with your existing infrastructure. Additionally, there are more options in the crawler settings to manually configure the SMB dialect.
The Insight App Designer now supports adding search windows that search over specific metadata. This allows any user metadata to be searched over or further constrained via a filter. In the example below, this enables compact and extensive input of filter parameters to narrow down search results.
Example of a customized Insight App
The Web Connector now supports intelligent crawl behavior for crawling websites without a sitemap. The crawler evaluates the last modified date of each downloaded document and compares it with the already indexed version. The document is indexed only if a change is detected. This option is enabled by default and enables delta-like crawl behavior even without a sitemap.