Release Notes for Mindbreeze InSpire
Version 24.6
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Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
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Innovations and new features
Datasets and Evaluations imports and exports now possible in Insight Services for RAG
With the Mindbreeze InSpire 24.6 release, Insight Services for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) enables the import and export of datasets and evaluations. Mindbreeze InSpire users can quickly and easily make datasets and evaluations available to other users or use them from other applications. In addition, it is also possible to save datasets and evaluations as external backups.

When exporting a dataset, the output formats JSON and CSV are available. In the case of multiple datasets, a ZIP file is exported in which the datasets are available in both output formats. Exporting an evaluation is only possible with JSON as the output format.
Link to the documentation "Export of datasets"
Link to the documentation "Export and import of Evaluations"
Optimized user interface and extension of the API for Insight Services for RAG
The user interface of the Insight Services for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has been optimized with the Mindbreeze InSpire 24.6 release. Users can now configure their pipelines, large language models (LLMs), datasets and evaluations more intuitively thanks to a more structured interface.

With the expansion of the API, users now also receive detailed information about individual responses received. In addition to the generated answer and the associated score, further details can be viewed, such as whether the source of the answer comes from the content or metadata. This enables users to analyze and understand the answers received from the retrieval process.
Link to the documentation
Technical extensions
Further optimization to the security of Mindbreeze InSpire
With the Mindbreeze InSpire 24.6 release, Mindbreeze customers receive additional optimization to further increase security. In addition to the optimization of Java SBOMs and increased robustness of the Atlassian Confluence Sitemap Generator, components such as Chromium, Protobuf Library and the Dell firmware have received updates.
More comprehensive user support through customized and expanded documentation
To provide Mindbreeze InSpire users with comprehensive support when configuring features, it is essential to constantly adapt and expand the documentation. The Mindbreeze InSpire 24.6 release also provides users with optimized documentation. For example, additional support is now available for setting SELinux into the “Enforcing” mode.
Link to the documentation
Security relevant changes
- Fix for: Webpage Thumbnail Generator did not verify URLs that were set explicitly with a mesthumbnailurl property.
- Updated: app.telemetry to version 24.0.27.
- Updated: Protobuf library to version 3.21.12 (CVE-2021-0555, CVE-2022-1941, CVE-2022-3171).
- Updated: Chromium Security to version 128.0.6613.84 (CVE-2024-6772, CVE-2024-6773, CVE-2024-6775, CVE-2024-6776, CVE-2024-6777, CVE-2024-6779, CVE-2024-6989, CVE-2024-6991, CVE-2024-6994, CVE-2024-6996, CVE-2024-6999, CVE-2024-7000, CVE-2024-7001, CVE-2024-7003, CVE-2024-7004, CVE-2024-7005, CVE-2024-6990, CVE-2024-7255, CVE-2024-7256, CVE-2024-7532, CVE-2024-7550, CVE-2024-7534, CVE-2024-7535, CVE-2024-7536, CVE-2024-7965, CVE-2024-7966, CVE-2024-7967, CVE-2024-7968, CVE-2024-7969, CVE-2024-7971, CVE-2024-7972, CVE-2024-7973, CVE-2024-7974, CVE-2024-7976, CVE-2024-7978, CVE-2024-7981).
- Updated: Dell Firmware ISO to version 24.08.19 (CVE-2024-6387, CVE-2024-22374, CVE-2024-24853, CVE-2024-24980).
- Updated: Moment.js package (CVE-2022-31129).
- Updated: Axios to version 0.28.0 (CVE-2021-3749, CVE-2020-28168, CVE-2023-45857).
- Updated: Underscore to version 1.13.7 (CVE-2021-23358).
- Updated: Pytorch to version 2.4.0 (CVE-2024-31580).
Additional changes
- Added: Robustification of HTML Filter metadata processing
- Fix for: The Client extension provider never evaluated to „true“ for a child application.
- Fix for: Defective text was generated when using an Azure OpenAI LLM.
- Fix for: Missing HTML escaping in Status Messages.
- Changed: JAXB XML library within the Atlassian Confluence Sitemap Generator.
- Updated: Libtelemetry to version 24.0.24.
- Added: Option to respond with the retrieved answers in a RAG request.
- Added: Import and Export functionality for RAG Datasets and Evaluations.
- Added: Possibility to access api.v2 via RAG Service.
- Added: The InSpire instance in Kubernetes restarts after snapshot changes.
- Added: A Lint InSpire Configuration to prevent invalid setups from running.
- Fix for: JWT URLs are not supported for the Service Gateway.
- Fix for: The Swap file cannot be created on an Azure 1M appliance with Size Standard NC24ads A100 v4.
- Fix for: Extension for 360-degree views in the Insight App Designer - default generic app and extension transformation OOB.
- Fix for: Roles in the Management Centre – “InSpire Client User” no longer shows redundant menu item “Insight Apps - Insight Apps”.
- Fix for: Incorrectly indexed referenced objects in Salesforce.
- Fix for: PDF preview did not work because an object was returned instead of an array.
- Fix for: Wrong sorting order of RAG evaluation entries.
- Fix for: The drop-down button cannot be dynamically enabled or disabled in the Service UI.
- Fix for: Keycloak syslog logging.
- Fix for: Document boosting is not used for selecting best answers from potential matches in Similarity Search.
- Fix for: Mindbreeze InSpire AI Chat component attributes could not be set from initAction.settings application property.
- Fix for: Microsoft Resolve Local Group Members Configuration in Microsoft File Connector.
- Improved: Commandbar UI.
- Improved: Microsoft File Connector statistic.
- Improved: Stability of the Outlook Addin.
- Improved: Extended the column lenght for some columns in the Insight Service LLM Logpool in app.telemetry.
- Improved: Due to optimizations in the Microsoft File Connector increased ACL updates could emerge.