Release Notes for Mindbreeze InSpire
Version 21.1
Copyright ©
Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2021.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are trade names and/or trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
These documents are strictly confidential. The transmission and presentation of these documents alone do not create any rights to our software, to our services and service results or to any other protected rights. The transfer, publication or reproduction is not permitted.
For reasons of simpler readability, gender-specific differentiation, e.g. users, is omitted. In the interest of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to both genders.
Innovations and new features
Manage InSpire Snapshots in the Mindbreeze Management Center
Snapshots allow you to save and reload the current state of your Mindbreeze InSpire appliance. This can be used primarily to migrate your Mindbreeze InSpire appliance to another appliance. Snapshots can be managed in the Mindbreeze Management Center (MMC). However, please note that snapshots are not complete backups and therefore do not replace backups.

Link to the documentation
Export results: Excel data type support
When exporting search results, the export format "Microsoft Excel" saves the values of metadata as text by default. With the new option "Use Excel Native Data Types" such numbers and dates are saved directly in numeric or date format. Thus, it is not only possible to calculate directly with such values, but Excel also displays the values in the appropriate format depending on the set language and region.
Link to the documentation
Multiple Client Services in Mindbreeze Management Center
With this release, Mindbreeze Management Center (MMC) supports all configured client services for Insight Apps, including Designer, search results from the selected client service, and also the Search Experience. These are now available for selection in the MMC as a dropdown in the header area. The selection is saved for the session.

Link to the documentation
Accessibility improvements
Accessibility has been improved in the area of voting and sorting search results.
New and improved Connectors
Yammer Connector (New)
The new Microsoft Yammer Connector allows indexing of groups as well as messages and replies from Microsoft Yammer. The connector supports efficient incremental processing of Yammer chat messages so that the search is always up-to-date.
Link to the documentation
Sitecore Connector (New)
The Sitecore Connector allows you to index all types of items, pages or articles from Sitecore. You can choose which types of items to index via "Template Names" and additionally filter items based on their Sitecore metadata. Currently, the Sitecore Connector only supports public content.
Link to the documentation
Web Connector: Support for authentication when JavaScript is active
With the Web Connector, it is now also possible to index rendered HTML on authenticated web pages. This means that it is now also possible to search Single Page Apps (SPAs) that require a login.
Link to the documentation
Service Now Connector: Performance Optimization in Principal Resolution Service
The new "KB Article Principals Size Optimization" option in the ServiceNow Crawler and Principal Resolution Service significantly reduces the size of the principal cache. On the one hand, this improves performance during cache updates, and on the other hand, it also improves performance during searches.
Link to the documentation (Crawler)
Link to documentation (Caching Principal Resolution Service)
Salesforce Connector: Improved indexing of knowledge articles
The new version of the Salesforce Connector now extracts content not only from the previous object types "Document" and "ContentDocument", but can now also extract content from any HTML fields. This significantly improves the search of knowledge articles, for example.
Link to the documentation
Technical extensions
SAML: Support for Shibboleth 4.0 (AES-GCM encryption)
Mindbreeze now supports SAML authentication with AES-GCM as the encryption algorithm for SAML assertions. This means that Shibboleth 4.0 can be used as a SAML IDP for the Mindbreeze Client Service.
Link to the documentation
Insight app load time optimization
The loading time of the client.js has been significantly reduced. As a result, (embedded) Mindbreeze InSpire Insight apps can now be loaded much faster by the browser.
Security relevant changes
- Fix for: ClientService HTTP 400 Status page displays Apache Tomcat version information
- Kernel Security Update 3.10.0-1160.21.1 (CVE-2019-19532, CVE-2020-0427, CVE-2020-7053, CVE-2020-14351, CVE-2020-25211, CVE-2020-25645, CVE-2020-25656, CVE-2020- 5705, CVE-2020-28374, CVE-2020-29661, CVE-2021-20265))
- Update LibreOffice to 7.0
- Update Python to 3.6.12
- Xorg-x11-server-xvfb Security Update (CVE-2020-14347, CVE-2020-14360, CVE-2020-25712)
Additional changes
- Fix for: File System Crawler: Option "Disable MimeType Detection" causes files to be indexed with empty content
- Configurable BucketingSharedStorage cache size
- Fix for: Keycloak/Keycloak-HA certain required actions do not work when using the Mindbreeze theme
- Fix for: Excel Export: Open Action Not usable when Semicolon is in the document path
- Fix for: It may be possible that filtered values are displayed as results if a timeout occurs
- Fix for: File-Open action does not work for Microsoft File and Microsoft SharePoint documents under certain conditions
- Web and AuthorizedWeb crawlers support ACL references in the sitemap
- SharePoint Online: Skipping faulty items (HTTP 500)
- Sitecore Connector: htmlfilter/jericho extract html-content/metadata, exclude tags from content support via XPath
- SAML: AES-GCM encryption is supported
- file_name metadatum is returned in the content filter response
- ServiceNow: Optimization Caching Principal Resolution Service (reduce number of containers)
- Jive Sitemap Generator supports Jive version
- ServiceNow Principal Resolution Service: Error Logging Enhancement for NOK API Responses
- Confluence Sitemap Generator can optionally generate REST API links as sitemap elements. Deletion of unreachable links is available.
- Personalized Relevance Transformer observes votes in relevance boosts
- Fix for: Personalized Relevance Transformer (Windows): Boosting serialization error causes non-functional boosting refresh
- ServiceNow: Support for HR Criteria
- Fix for: Search result is not correctly constrained by "mes:size" facet
- Default ACLCacheManger evaluation changed to improve runtime
- Scoring has been improved for word suggestions (Did You Mean)
- Fix for: CronTab scheduler starts tasks too often during the time changeover
- Smaller intervals between index inverter runs if few documents are added. This makes documents searchable earlier
- Corrected translations for the category metadatum in Microsoft CRM and ServiceNow Connector
- "Did you mean" support for queries transformed in the client using prepareRequest.
- Web Connector: Support for authentication when JavaScript is active
- Yammer Connector: Stability improvement for full crawls
- Export results: Support for native Excel data types
- Fix for: result does not contain alternative/user_query block
- Fix for: MMC Searchapps do not work with configured Basepath
- Improved accessibility
- Improving the loading speed of Insight apps
- Fix for: openHref handler does not open blob download links correctly
- Implementation of a component to receive feedback from users and thus improve relevance
- Fix for: MMC: Vocabulary User could not save via putresource (401 Error)
- PDF Preview automatically jumps to the most relevant page in the document
- Salesforce Connector: HTML Content für Knowledge-Articles
- Fix for: LDAP Principals Cache: Foreign Security Principals (FSP) are not filtered with user or group filters.
- Fix for: Deleted credentials remain in the cache configuration and cause errors
- Fix for: Filter Service: Filter errors (exceptions) are stored in the index by mistake and can be searched for
- Fix for: LDAP Principals Cache: Deleted users and groups are not cleared from cache during incremental updates
- Microsoft File Connector: Automatic content type detection for documents without extension is configurable
- Sitecore Connector: Reference metadata support
- Fix for: Salesforce Connector: Group resolution error when LDAP and Kerberos is not configured.
- Fix for: Microsoft SharePoint Connector: Content from deleted subsites is not deleted from index
- Fix for: Microsoft SharePoint Connector: Documents that have been modified in the browser are not recognized during incremental updates
- Fix for: Microsoft File Connector: Incorrect CategoryInstance in InSpire Configurations with Multiple Nodes
- Filter Service: Runtime monitoring by mesnode can be deactivated
- Fix for: File Manager Error Handling
- Fix for: When using a "Basepath" the login link is not correct in certain cases
- Fix for: CrossDomainAjaxChannel always uses the request data as StringError! No filename was specified. Nuzi, Sabri12:06
- Fix for: "Last search queries" of Mindbreeze search are not saved correctly
- New option "Wait for Inversion Completed before Synchronization " has been added, which is enabled by default.
- Fix for: Log INTERNALWARNING "Servlet not found" only after full index startup.
- A "Limit Full Lexicon to Word NGram Length" option has been added to the local and global index " Term Lexicon Settings".
- Counting of search facet aggregates has been improved.
- Update hardware time at shutdown/restart
- Fix for: Kerberos setup generates unusable keytabs when using AES256 encryption
- The filter service rejects unknown extensions indexed without content
- Fix For: Inspire Nodes: crc calculation of custom tasks not symmetric
- Python3 Windows support
- Poetry is used for building Python plugins