Release Notes for Mindbreeze InSpire
Version 23.2
Copyright ©
Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2024.
All rights reserved. All hardware and software names used are trade names and/or trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
These documents are strictly confidential. The transmission and presentation of these documents alone do not create any rights to our software, to our services and service results or to any other protected rights. The transfer, publication or reproduction is not permitted.
For reasons of simpler readability, gender-specific differentiation, e.g. users, is omitted. In the interest of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to both genders.
Innovations and new features
Creating 360-degree views in Insight App Designer
Creating 360-degree views of your enterprise data is now possible through the new "Search Container" component in the Insight App Designer. With this new feature, individual Insight Apps can be created with just a few clicks, in which multiple parallel searches over different data sources with different constraints can be carried out.
Information from different data sources can be displayed in a uniform overall view, whereby the display can be individually adapted for each "search container". In the screenshot below, for example, all contact data found is displayed in an additional view next to the rest of the search results. Users can add the individual "search containers" to an Insight app simply by dragging and dropping.

Link to the documentation
Understanding Named Entities in Insight Apps
With the "Named Entity Recognition" feature, it is possible to recognize entities (such as people, places, etc.) from the content and metadata of documents and make them available for further use. Mindbreeze now supports automatic color highlighting of recognized entities in search results.
In addition, all metadata is available for the recognized entities, which opens up a wide range of additional possibilities for further implementation. The screenshot below illustrates an example of these extended application possibilities. The client service has been configured in such a way that as soon as a user moves the mouse pointer over an entity, a search is automatically performed in the personal data and the result is displayed visually via an overlay.

Furthermore, the recognition and extraction of entities has been improved through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). To optimize entity recognition accuracy, Mindbreeze provides predefined catalogs for catalog-based filtering of person and organization entities, which can be customized for each index. It is possible to set the confidence threshold of the recognized entities to limit the entity recognition to definite matches and to minimize false positives.

Link to the documentation
Mindbreeze Integration with Microsoft Outlook
The Mindbreeze Outlook add-in enables the integration of Mindbreeze Insight Apps in Microsoft Outlook. When a search query is started in Microsoft Outlook, Mindbreeze searches the linked Insight App in parallel for context-relevant additional information. As shown in the screenshot below, when an Invoicing employee searches for a specific name, in addition to the email, he or she also receives additional information such as contact data or conversation notes from other data sources. The 360-degree view of all company data, made possible through the use of Mindbreeze, can also be integrated into the daily Outlook workflow in this way. Users can download the Outlook add-in directly from the Mindbreeze Client Service and install it without administrator rights.
The Mindbreeze Outlook add-in supports all versions of Microsoft Outlook with active security support, both in 32 and 64-bit installations. The add-in is displayed using the WebView2 browser component, which is based on the latest version of Microsoft Edge (Chromium). This ensures that Insight Apps can be displayed correctly in the Mindbreeze Outlook add-in.

Link to the documentation
Security relevant changes
- Updated: dom4j to dom4j2.1.4 (CVE-2020-10683)
- Updated: jdom to jdom2-2.0.5 (CVE-2021-33813)
- Updated: OpenSSL to 1.1.1t (CVE-2022-4304, CVE-2022-4203, CVE-2022-4450)
- Updated: xstream (CVE-2022-41966, CVE-2022-40156, CVE-2022-40155, ...)
- Fixed: Keycloak (CVE-2022-1274, CVE-2022-3782)
- Fixed: CoreOS multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-0179, CVE-2023-0597)
Additional changes
- Added: Additional pre-installed tools
- Added: Creating 360-degree Insight apps is now drag-and-drop with Insight App Designer
- Added: Entities (like organizations, names, ...) are marked in the sample text and in the HTML preview
- Added: FilterPlugin.PassThrough plugin that serves as a fallback filter for invalid/encrypted documents.
- Added: mesindexclient is callable from the command line
- Added: Microsoft Sharepoint Online - When "Download OneNote Files as HTML via Graph API is enabled, documents are now displayed with the correct ".one" extension
- Added: Search filter by filter name in App Designer.
- Added: Setting to enable/disable empty user criteria resolution for all users.
- Added: app.telemetry instrumentation for users in searches from Notification/Altering Service
- Added: Settings to limit the number of containers resolved in CachingServiceNowPrincipalResolutionService.
- Added: SharePoint Online Crawler: New setting for automatic detection of Yammer attachment sites
- Added: JWT support for filter and index endpoints
- Added: Text region entity annotations are stored as entities in the index
- Added: Web Connector: JavaScript crawler extension for interactive web content.
- Fix for: "content.filter_extension" of FilterAndIndexRequest is ignored by DispatchingFilterService
- Fix for: The default number of request threads is too large and can cause search performance issues
- Fix for: Default SMTP sender setting is no longer effective
- Fix for: False-positive error in httpd log (mod_auth_openidc).
- Fix for: FilterAndIndexRequest with UpdateStrategy "merge" can lead to "replace" instead of "merge" when bucket boundaries are reached
- Fix for: In rare cases, an InSpire reset can be performed with the wrong inspire-system-manager
- Fix for: Incompleteness of search when a bucket is renamed and reopened immediately before synchronization.
- Fix for: Index setting "Match non Whitespace Suffix Stop Characters" is used during inversion
- Fix for: Issue where article content is not set correctly under certain circumstances.
- Fix for: MESSDKCSandbox events are displayed in the Query Service LogPool in app.telemetry
- Fix for: Pagination may break in rare cases due to miscalculated paging offsets on multiple indexes
- Fix for: possible ConcurrentModificationException in SharePoint Online Principal Resolution Service.
- Fix for: Salesforce Crawler fails on second crawl run with 'INVALID_SESSION_ID'.
- Fix for: Typo in app.telemetry
- Enhanced: Performance optimization for faster search and update in Principal Resolution Cache Framework for Box, Azure, Confluence, ServiceNow, Jira, LDAP, Google Drive connectors.
- Improved: Performance improvements through the use of SIMD commands
- Improved: Performance optimization via request parameters
- Enhanced: Stabilized snapshot import in a multi-node infrastructure
- Improved: Version compatibility for public log buffers
- Enhanced: Robust startup of InSpire containers in nodes environment
- Copyright year removed when initializing the configuration
- Updated: Outlook Addin for using the WebView2 browser component
- Updated: Python dependencies