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Mindbreeze GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 2025.
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This document describes the most important aspects of backing up Mindbreeze InSpire configuration and index data.
The backup strategy should contain the following types of data and should be applied especially before installing product updates:
Mindbreeze InSpire regularly backs up:
All other data must be backed up manually.
If you want to create manual backups, you can read about this in the following documentation, depending on which Mindbreeze InSpire Generation you are using:
Automatically created backups are stored in /data/backups. The following sections provide details on restoring backups.
Please note that shell access is required to restore configuration data.
Stop the mesmaster service and run the following script:
/opt/mindbreeze/bin/ <configuration directory>
The <configuration directory> refers to the automatically created backups in the /data/backups/mesconfig-backups/inspire_mesconfig-<date time> directory.
Services have their own configuration files that must be restored separately.
The backup contains the backup of the service configuration under /data/backups/mesconfig-backups/inspire_serviceconfig-<timestamp>. This must be copied to the configured "Service Config Directory" (if not configured otherwise, this is /data/serviceconfig).
The current service configuration directory can be displayed in the Management Centre under the menu item "Nodes" in the info of the respective node (service configuration directory).
Some services, such as the RAG service, also store data in the "Service data directory". The current service data directory can be read from the Management Center in the "Nodes" menu item in the same way as the service configuration directory. Unless configured otherwise, this is /data/servicedata.
The backup of the service data is stored under /data/backups/messervice-backups/inspire_service_data-<timestamp>. Directories that only consist of a UUID can be copied to the service data directory. If a directory has a path appended to its name, then a separate service data directory was configured for the service. The service data must then be copied to this directory.
Note: If the service data directory was configured for a service and the value was defined by a configuration parameter, the backup of the service data will unfortunately not work.
Automatically created index backups are stored under /data/backups/index-backups. To restore the indexes, copy the underlying /data/backups/index-backups folders (but only the contents of the current folder) to their original directory (typically /data/indices or /data/servicedata), for example:
mkdir /data/indices/ms-file
cp -a /data/backups/index-backups/ms-file/current/* /data/indices/ms-file
Automatically created database backups are stored under /data/backups/telemetrydb-pgdump/<date> and contain the following files:
To restore the databases, first stop the services mesnode and apptelemetryserver. Execute the following commands:
cd /data/backups/telemetrydb-pgdump/<date> #replace <date> with the desired folder
gunzip <backup.gz> #replace <backup.gz> with persistedresources.sql.gz, postgres.sql.gz or telemetrydb.sql.gz
dropdb --if-exists <dbname> #replace <dbname> with persistedresources, postgres or telemetrydb
createdb <dbname> #replace <dbname>
psql -d <dbname> -f <backup.sql> #replace <dbname> and <backup.sql> with the extraced sql file
Snapshots can be used to migrate from one Mindbreeze InSpire appliance to another. Snapshots can be managed in the Mindbreeze Management Center (MMC) (since Mindbreeze InSpire version 21.1, G7).
Since Mindbreeze InSpire version 20.1 the command line tool mesadmin supports the sub-command snapshot. This makes it possible to create and restore snapshots independently of Mindbreeze InSpire Generation (G6 / G7). This tool can therefore be used to migrate a Mindbreeze InSpire G6 appliance to a new Mindbreeze InSpire G7 appliance. Please note that migration from G7 to G6 is not supported.
A snapshot created in Mindbreeze Management Center (MMC) or with the command line tool mesadmin snapshot contains
Please note that snapshots are not a complete backup! For example, indexes, cache files of Caching Principal Resolution Services or also Mindbreeze InSpire licenses are not included in the snapshot. Service configuration data is included and stored in the service configuration directory..
Please also make sure that you keep your snapshots in a secure place, as sensitive information is also included!
If you want to migrate from your Mindbreeze InSpire G7 appliance to another Mindbreeze InSpire G7 appliance, please read the following subsections. If the migration target appliance is a new Mindbreeze InSpire appliance, please also refer to the initial setup for G7 appliances.
The following subsections explain how to first create a snapshot of your Mindbreeze InSpire G7 appliance and import it to another appliance. Please also note that in certain cases, manual intervention is necessary – details on this will be described later.
The migration process is as follows:
Snapshots can be managed in the Mindbreeze Management Center in the "Snapshots" menu. A distinction is made between "Snapshot in Progress", "Snapshots" and "Snapshot Archives", with the following functions available:
To create a snapshot, click “Add Snapshot” in the “Snapshots” list. Then enter a name and a description. Click the "Save" button to create the snapshot. Depending on the appliance, this can take up to several minutes. The snapshot is created by a task.
When creating a Snapshot, one of the following profiles can be selected. The profiles differ in that they include different properties in the Snapshot. Their included and non-included properties are also listed under the respective profiles.
For backing up your Mindbreeze InSpire appliance you need either “Application Migration” or “Complete” profile.
Then archive the snapshot by clicking the “Archive” button.
Now the created archive appears under "Snapshot Archives". Click on “Download” and select the desired output format from the drop-down menu to download the snapshot so that you can import it into the target appliance later.
Once you have archived the snapshot, you can choose from two output formats in “Download”:
Output format | Description |
Archive Format | Previous standard format for snapshots. |
OCI Format | Recommended for use in special use cases in Kubernetes, such as pushing an image into a registry. |
Hint: Both the archive format and the OCI format can be used in principle. There is no difference between the output formats, except that the OCI format is useful for use cases in Kubernetes.
Now go to the appliance where you want to import the snapshot. In the “Snapshot Archives” list, click “Upload Snapshot” and select the snapshot archive you exported in the previous step.
Then import the uploaded snapshot by clicking "Import". You will now be asked if you really want to import the snapshot; confirm the dialog by clicking "Import".
The snapshot now appears in the "Snapshots" list. Apply the snapshot to your appliance by clicking "Apply". Again, depending on the appliance, this may take up to several minutes.
In order for your migrated Mindbreeze InSpire appliance to be fully operational now, you only need to perform a few more small steps:
In certain cases, manual intervention is necessary during migration. This can be due to various reasons:
If the host name of your source appliance is different from the target appliance, you have to make manual changes to the target appliance:
In Multi Node Scenarios the app.telemetry agent configuration must be adjusted. To reset the app.telemetry agent configuration to the current agents in the Node Environment, the following steps must be done:
Delete the agent configuration module com.mindbreeze.enterprisesearch.apptelemetry.scripting.node_agents from the app.telemetry configuration:
Create new node agents by rebooting the InSpire Master.
Some files may be located in a directory that is not included in the snapshot. You have the following options:
Here are some examples:
The menu in the Mindbreeze Management Center can already be customized with Mindbreeze InSpire G6. Please note that with G7 the "title" in "resource.json" may not contain any special characters. It is also possible that you have customized the host name of the Insight App. Please note that you may need to change this if the host name of your target appliance has changed.
Since Spring Release 2018 HF3 (G7 only) Mindbreeze InSpire supports a role-based permission system to restrict access to certain menu items. If you choose this variant, additional features are available, such as the definition of submenu items. To switch to the role-based variant, the inspire Docker container must not contain the file data/resources/resource.json. Rename the file first before you delete it permanently and read the documentation for the Role-based Management Center menu.
If you have a primary system and a standby appliance in use, you only need to migrate the primary system (create the snapshot on G6 and install it on G7).
In Mindbreeze InSpire G7 (since version 19.0) the configuration and operation of a primary system and a standby appliance has been simplified (see Setup InSpire G7 primary and standby appliances and update notes between image versions (18.x to 19.0)). Since this has fundamentally changed the configuration, you will need to make a few configuration changes.
Using distributed operation you have the possibility, for special cases e.g. if the Producer Index is no longer available, to use the Consumer Index as Producer.
The following requirements must be met for this:
If the prerequisites are met, now follow these steps:
Note: If you want to use several different consumer indices as producer, you have to perform these steps for all indices.